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growth hormone issues

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July 8, 2006
Posts: 5

PostPosted:     Post subject: growth hormone issues
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I think that only in rare circumstances should g.h be taken.I think only for the really short people.Say like for between 3'0 and 4'6.I feel that anyone over 4'6 should be able to manage in life with just abit of help like using chair or stools.I am 5'2 and obviously it is still a problem but it is also manageable.The really short people do need a hand with reaching a goal but i would say only up to 4'10 if that.Has you would have people abusing the systam

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December 1, 2007
Posts: 6

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: growth hormone issues
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dbrimmer wrote: I think that only in rare circumstances should g.h be taken.I think only for the really short people.Say like for between 3'0 and 4'6.I feel that anyone over 4'6 should be able to manage in life with just abit of help like using chair or stools.I am 5'2 and obviously it is still a problem but it is also manageable.The really short people do need a hand with reaching a goal but i would say only up to 4'10 if that.Has you would have people abusing the systam


To say the least, your opinion is uninformed. There are many types of growth disorders, and each one affects people differently. What gives you the right to say that we shouldn't seek medical help for a legitimate condition just because we've reached a height that you've arbitrarily decided is "manageable"? I have Turner's Syndrome, where the majority of patients are between 4'8" and 4'10" tall. This is the disease that HGH was designed for! It's a genetic defect that baby girls are born with, where there is pituitary gland and ovarian failure. We need female hormones and HGH just to survive because our bodies can't produce those chemicals on their own. To address your fears of people abusing the system, there is a blood test called a Karotype used to identify TS patients before these meds are even prescribed.

By the way - I'm also 5'2", thanks to Estinyl and Enovid. I was diagnosed 30 years ago, before HGH was even invented.

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